PHP Implementing Rate Limiting in PHP with Redis Learn how to implement rate limiting in PHP using Redis.AdminNovember 1, 2023
HTML & CSS, Web Create a Website that Looks Like it was Made in the 90s – Part 1: Using Legacy Code We will go through the process of creating a simple web page. The website will have a very basic design and no images.AdminMarch 23, 2022
PHP Using Patreon’s API with PHP Examining the Patreon API and how to use it in PHP.AdminMarch 23, 2022
PHP Protecting a Contact Form Made in PHP with reCAPTCHA v2 In this article, you will examine how to create a contact form in PHP and protect it with Google's reCAPTCHA v2.AdminMarch 12, 2022
JavaScript, PHP Crop an Image with Croppie.js and Process it with PHP Croppie.js is an easy to use image cropping plugin that plenty of configuration options. In this tutorial, you will learn how to crop an image using the Croppie.js library and store the cropped image in the server-side using PHP.AdminMarch 12, 2022